20. Be the last
to serve yourself at the table
to enter the elevator
to release a hug
to give up
- 00.
- Constants
- 01.
- Mediocrity is the enemy
- 02.
- Time affluence
- 03.
- Detours
- 04.
- Avoid boring people
- 05.
- Beyond now
- 06.
- Color outside the lines
- 07.
- Energy is a force
- 08.
- Sunrises > Sunsets
- 09.
- Suspend disbelief
- 10.
- Life is our laboratory
- 11.
- A touch of unexpected
- 12.
- Impossible
- 13.
- Mirror of greatness
- 14.
- Freedom from
- 15.
- Body, Mind and Soul
- 16.
- Credit to the past
- 17.
- Experiencing experiences
- 18.
- Make it remarkable
- 19.
- Be the first
- 20.
- Be the last
- 21.
- 1% magic
- 22.
- Power of sound
- 23.
- Nature
- 24.
- Balance
- 25.
- Shamans
- 26.
- From multidisciplinary to interdisciplinary
- 27.
- Slow down
- 28.
- Impact matters
- 29.
- Fear
- 30.
- Thank you, Gratitude
- 31.
- Life is better
- 32.
- Power of the collective
- 33.
- Marking meaning
- 34.
- Definitions
- 35.
- CamelBak
- 36.
- Rare wisdom
- 37.
- What you consume, you become
- glhf
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